Wednesday, June 17, 2009

UK's Riversimple, China-based Horizon Fuel Cell debut 2-seat, hydrogen car prototype - WXIN

In a back page story on most almost defunct newspapers, a British company, with the assistance of a former Porsche executive has developed a car propelled by hydrogen which will be leased for the sum total of $315.00 per month, which includes all of the necessary fuel.  Imagine that, $315.00 per month for not only the car but the gas.  Oh yeah, and the vehicle produces exactly 0 emissions.  0.  The carbon footprint on this vehicle also 0.  Need for oil from hostile countries that fund and train terrorists with designs on destroying us..0 too.  Money in the pockets of greedy oil executives and oil companies... 0, 0..0 and 0.  Oh, I digress.  The response to this revelation and product that should have been hailed as something close to a cure for cancer, ho hum....., let's get back to Carrie Prejean 


Why no fanfare, excitement, government assistance for this remarkable company? Because this product does not fit within the existing  automobile infrastructure.  Same with Germany and Japan, the other two countries that build most world cars.  This is an example of how subsidies business can and will destroy innovation.  We don't need better cars, we need consumers to continue to purchase are bad cars.  Innovation is messy, it requires retraining and retooling.   Current auto executives will be out of work and we can't have that.  With the U.S. government essentially owning the means for 2/3rd of U.S. auto production, we are in a unique opportunity to capitalize on this new technology.  There really is no other option, or hope.

UK's Riversimple, China-based Horizon Fuel Cell debut 2-seat, hydrogen car prototype - WXIN

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